Enterprise Ireland Annual Report 2012
Investment in innovation driving employment and record export growth in client companies
Enterprise Ireland Client exports By Territory 2012 |
Enterprise Ireland client companies achieved record levels of exports in 2012, breaking the €16bn point for the first time. They also created 12,861 new jobs in 2012 resulting in a net increase in full-time employment of 3,338, primarily driven by this record export performance. The figures were revealed in Enterprise Ireland’s Annual Report and Accounts for 2012, published in July. Despite a continued challenging economic environment in 2012 Enterprise Ireland supported companies crucially added to their employment base and now support more than 300,000 jobs in the Irish economy.
Enterprise Ireland clients also continued to invest in research and development and continuous innovation. Almost 800 companies were involved in significant R&D projects greater than €100k and a record 134 companies engaged in R&D projects with more than €1m spend.
Under the Government’s ‘Action Plan for Jobs 2012’ Enterprise Ireland was directly involved in 105 of a total of 270 actions. Throughout the year the organisation delivered on these targets in areas such as Potential Exporters, Global Sourcing, Micro Enterprise, Diaspora Initiatives, International Entrepreneurs and Female Entrepreneurship.
While the external environment remains particularly challenging, Enterprise Ireland is increasing its activities to support clients win new export business and build international networks and partnerships. 2013 will see a record number of ministerial-led trade missions with an increased focus on high growth economies in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. This will be backed up by a wide range of inward buyer visits, study visits, trade fairs, Embassy events and knowledge seminars, all aimed at linking Irish companies to international buyers, leading to increased exports and jobs for Ireland.
To read more on Enterprise Ireland's Annual Report Please Click Here.
Copies of the annual report are available Here