
25 Apr 2024

Midlands vehicle manufacturers sign deal that will boost workforce

Their workforce will grow from 40 to 54

Kilbeggan company EVM Ltd has signed a deal to fulfill a massive €13.3 million order to provide specially manufactured school buses to OneBus Ltd.

OneBus Ltd announced the investment in their fleet of school minibuses, with an order of almost 300 new Mercedes Benz Sprinter school bus spec vehicles from EVM.

OneBus Limited is a not-for-profit company, wholly owned by Focus Learning Trust, operating a passenger transport service, for educational charities that run schools within the Focus Group of schools. The service is provided in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland to transport students to and from those schools and on educational trips. 

The deal to supply these vehicles means that EVM can grow its workforce from 40 to 54, cementing its place as one of the leading manufacturer of passenger carrying vehicles across Ireland and the UK.

EVM Ltd has become the recognised leader in Minibus design and production and was a natural choice for the team at OneBus Ltd when they were tasked with upgrading their fleet of vehicles.

Several challenges faced the team at EVM, from the increased weight of the Euro 6 Sprinter to the logistics of delivering a large fleet successfully to each user in various locations throughout the UK.

In a change from their previous configuration, their new models feature EVM’s well respected three stage front entry, allowing access and egress of students to be fully monitored by the driver, increasing security. 12 Executive spec reclining seats in leather fill the saloon with overhead luggage racks and a large luggage cage right of the passenger entry door for luggage.

Vehicle security is enhanced further with Cat Lock and ECU Guards, while all vehicles are tracked with a state of the art satellite tracking system.

For further information, visit

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