New agreement aims to increase trade between Ireland and Turkey
Pictured at the signature ceremony were: Jonathan Ryan, Enterprise Ireland; Joe Breslin, Enterprise Ireland; Joe McHugh T.D, Minister of State for the Diaspora and Overseas Development Aid; Rona Yircali, Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEIK); M.Hakan Karaalioglu, DEIK, Mustafa Mente, DEIK |
A memorandum of understanding was signed between Enterprise Ireland and DEİK, Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey. The agreement aims to reinforce bilateral trade relations and increase trade between Ireland and Turkey.
Enterprise Ireland Director for Turkey Jonathan Ryan reflected: “Enterprise Ireland is working to reinforce the existing ties and friendship between Irish and Turkish firms. Our activities have intensified since the establishment of an Enterprise Ireland office in Turkey in 2014. I am encouraged by the fact that trade in the last two years has increased by 32% with strong growth in trade services from Ireland reflecting the strength of the Irish technology sectors. Likewise there has been a strong performance in merchandise exports from Turkey based on their excellent manufacturing base. I would like to express my gratitude to DEİK for the memorandum of cooperation we signed today, and we believe that working with DEİK, an organisation with extensive experience, will help us intensify trade relations between our two countries.”
Read the full press release at Enterprise Ireland